Submit new report

Fill in the following form fields and then click on 'Submit' to report a violation. A mailbox with personal access data will then be created to enable you to communicate confidentially about the violation. Keep your personal access data safe so that you can stay in contact with us.

If you wish to remain anonymous, the report can also be submitted anonymously. In this case, please remember not to provide any other (personal) data that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your person

Would you like to enter your name?

We welcome you to share your name with us. We treat all information strictly confidential.
Your e-mail address can optionally be entered to be notified about the progress of processing.
If you want to preserve your anonymity, leave these fields blank.

Description of the violation: What happened *

Please describe the violation as detailed as possible. If you want to preserve your anonymity, make sure that your information doesn't allow any conclusions to be drawn about your person.

  Start voice recording

You can start a new voice recording with 'Start' and end it with 'Stop'. The voice recording will not be uploaded until you choose 'Save'.

Begin new recording with 'Start'

Who is responsible for the violation?

Please indicate who is responsible for the violation. If you don't know, leave this field blank.

Where did the violation happen?

Please indicate the location of the violation as precise as possible.

When did the violation happen?

Please name the date and time. Please also name if the behaviour is one-off or repeated.

Have you taken any further action in relation to the violation?

Please describe any further actions in as much detail as possible. Have you spoken to other people (e.g. managers) about it or reported the case to another body?

Do you have any documents or further information relating to the violation?

Please upload documents related to the violation here if you have access to them. If you do not have access to them but know that documents exist, please indicate what kind of document it is and where it can be found. Please take into account that files may contain hidden personal data (e.g. in the document properties) that jeopardise your anonymity. Please remove this data before sending if you wish to preserve your anonymity.


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Note: Fields marked with (*) are mandatory fields. These inputs are absolutely required.

PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH

Industriegelände 1, A-4710 Grieskirchen
+43 (0) 7248 / 600-0